Monday, August 25, 2008

#14--Civilization and reality

Well we are back in civilization—Vancouver, BC.

We found a reasonably priced RV park last night on the south side of the city. We drove through rain all day yesterday but Kelly got to see Whistler, BC, which is one of the sites for the 2010 Olympics and she was calling her skiing guy friends to brag about it. It was good she finally had friends she could call (after her Maine experience). Klamath seems to be a positive move for her although this last week has been hard on her—she doesn’t know how she can deal with her folks after this last ordeal. Although we are trying to ignore it all—it’s still the cloud that won’t go away—and a painful reminder of our shortened time together.

Ironically Kelly just started to read about this “unknown before now” college and it’s a Jesuit/Catholic college that in order to be even eligible for a scholarship—one of the things Terri was big on—she had to make an application first. Kelly has NO desire to go there but is totally realizing that this isn’t about college—it’s about screwing up our trip together—and nothing else. Hopefully someday her folks will realize how much damage they really did—not to us but to her respect for them.

But enough about that--

Today we took the Skytrain into Vancouver proper. It was much easier than driving! We had lunch in Chinatown, very expensive and it really didn’t compare to the San Francisco or Philadelphia Chinatown—but it was still interesting. We then walked the waterfront and picked out our yacht once we win the lottery. We then tried to find the ice skating arena where the Olympics would be held so Kelly could brag about that too, but no one really knew where they would be, so we finally gave up. She has picked up a couple of Olympic souvenirs so she is getting prepared. It’s been kind of cute…

And tonight we are just hanging in the trailer and resting. My friends in Seattle have been calling us and are welcoming us with open arms so we are headed that way tomorrow. Kate is a childhood friend so she is very familiar with my family—and she knows we need some lovin’. We plan on staying there until after the holiday weekend so we don’t have to fight any crowds. After that we just don’t know where we are going.

I do need to find a doctor since my hand rash is now way out of hand—pardon the pun. Whether it’s stress related or something else, it’s time to find out—it’s turning into an issue. Hopefully that will be also Seattle thing.

Well—got to go. Yuliya is promising us a margarita if we find her a pay phone—oops guess she has no money—but she knows once she mentions the margarita part we are hooked…how our girls manipulate us…And hey—it’s Monday night.

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