Cyber space never ceases to amaze me. Several years ago when I drastically changed my web site and server I thought this blog was lost forever. I was so use to going to it through my web site link I forgot about other ways. I finally searched for it the other day and wal la...The World of Janet N Stacy is back. And what better adventure to follow Alaska than our virgin visit to Burning Man.
The first question for some is What Is Burning Man? So I stole this description from their website "Burning Man is an annual event and a thriving year-round culture. The event takes place the week leading up to and including Labor Day, in Nevada's Black Rock Desert. The Burning Man organization (BRC) creates the infrastructure of Black Rock City, wherein attendees (or "participants") dedicate themselves to the spirit of community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance. They depart one week later, leaving no trace. As simple as this may seem, trying to explain what Burning Man is to someone who has never been to the event is a bit like trying to explain what a particular color looks like to someone who is blind. In this section you will find the peripheral definitions of what the event is as a whole, but to truly understand this event, one must participate."
Clear as mud eh? I've known about it for most of it's 28 years. Always thought of it as a visual arts /camping festival--kind of like Woodstock without the music. Thirty eight thousand tickets SOLD OUT in less than 2 hours! Bill Gates and Mark Zuckinsomething have been participants. Check out images on google. But to be honest it still remains a mystery--and we are leaving for it in two days! Back to that adventure thing...
The Players: Once again it will be Stacy, myself, and my 23 yr old niece, Kelly. She also has a friend, Gianni, who is going to join our campsite.
The Why: As anyone who has read our previous Alaska Adventure can figure out, we really would enjoy some positive memories with Kelly trip wise. And now she is 23...not much her folks can do to screw this one up. It was intended to be her College graduation gift and this is the first year we could work it out. We are honored that our niece her age wants to do the experience with her old aunts. Plus I look at us a bit as protectors. She only cares that we have the trailer and know how to use it. :) We have air conditioning and she hates heat. Actually I think she is grateful that we are taking care of most of the logistics. And I'm thinking sleeping in a tent for eight days in the desert could get old, which is what most her age are doing. Plus it was always on my bucket list and the memories could be priceless...although with gas the trip is going to cost us an arm and a leg. I promised Stacy that the next time we spend this much money again it will involve swimming up to a bar.
The Reality: We have to bring EVERYTHING IN and EVERYTHING OUT. That means all food, beverage, water, waste water, all trash, and stuff. The only transportation allowed is bikes and art cars--pretty cool. The only thing that can be bought there is ice. There will be porta potties. But nothing else.
It is in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada in August. Yes there are 3 key words that that scare the sh*t out of us. Back to being grateful we have the air conditioning and borrowing lots of gas cans. The good news is that it is at elevation of 4000 and gets down into the upper 50's lower 60's at night and that seems to be when a lot is happening. There are a lot of lazer light shows and night time visuals. I think it will be kind of like camping in the middle of a casino--without the amenities--just the noise and visual stimulation. You can also add plenty of dust and generator fuel smell to the mix. Costumes are huge and nudity is accepted. No doubt we will see plenty of body paint and sunburn tits.
That's pretty much what we know at this point in time. We are trying to leave Tuesday morning since we have 2000+ miles to get to Reno to pick up Kelly. Then we will stay there a couple of days for final prep and head to BRC early Monday morning. It is only 2 hrs but I hear the one road single entrance experience is an adventure in itself.
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