Wednesday, September 10, 2008

#25--better late than never...

Peace and well being—Sunday night

We have moved to our second campsite in Yellowstone and it is proving quite a treat. The park is finally emptying out and we seem to be lucking out on picking the primo campsites. There are only 3 other campers on our loop so we almost feel alone. Things are closing down so our choices are becoming limited but this one stays open until the 15th, so unless we find another we like better we might stay here more than the original 3 nights we had planned. The down side is no cell service or internet, but I guess when you are surrounded by splendor that should be unimportant.

We settled in and set up our home and then it was nap time. Late afternoon Stacy & I did some recon on future campsites and left Yuliya at home so she could start some of her school work she needs to do before she heads back to college in Russia.

No luck on better campsites—hence we realized how lucky we have been—but we did have a primo buffalo experience. A herd surrounded our truck and the bull wanted his way with the females. When our truck was being used as the turnstile of the chase we thought we might have a problem. For some reason our bad ass truck didn’t feel so bad ass when 2000 pounds of sexual lust was running around it. But no new dents occurred and they finally got bored with the game, but we got some great pictures!

Missed our daily bear today and have discovered that most of the moose have moved down to the Tetons, so we will head there next, after we feel we have done Yellowstone justice. We will start to do the tourist thing in the park tomorrow and hit the different highlights, now that there are less people. Weather is supposed to be wonderful for the rest of the week.

The truly amazing thing is how my stress level has affected the rest of my health. After my last Thursday blow and then a good talk and hike, I have felt noticeably better, much more at peace with life. My blood sugar had been high in the morning for all of the trip but the last 4 days I have been testing almost normal in the morning—almost half of what it had been. Since weight or eating habits haven’t changed, I can only attribute stress to my high numbers—looks like I have to just start walking away from things that are stressful, or at least whenever I can. Although right now the expression is “A bear a day keeps the diabetes away!” Or maybe I just need to live in Yellowstone…

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